

Joe Teeters

Vice President's

Friendship Committee

Danielle Gulden


Megan Genheimer

Programs Professional Contacts

​Denice Taylor, CNP CWON-AP


Kathleen V. Piniarski


Virgil Hager

Board Members

Virgil Hager

Megan Genheimer

Mike Martig

Danielle Gulden

Denice Taylor

Kathleen V. Piniarski

Central Ohio UOA

Request Visitation

If you are planning to have ostomy surgery OR if you have recently had ostomy surgery, and you would like to request a visit from one of our trained visitors, please fill out the form below. 

Our trained visitors can answer questions about living with an ostomy, from their experience as ostomates themselves.  We are ostomy patients, we are not medical professionals and  do not, and can not provide medical assistance or advice.  

If you are in need of medical care, please contact your doctor or WOCN.  If this is a medical emergency, pick up the phone and diall 911.